Timeless Love Bouquet


Say you care in the simplest yet the most impactful way possible with a bunch of fresh blooming beauties, handpicked and crafted into a harmonious bouquet by skilful hands. Each bouquet contains:

  • Roses
  • 4 lily stems
SKU: TLFB6 Category:
  • Lead Time: Orders placed between 10:00 am till 2:00 pm can be delivered the same day with a delivery lead time of 6 hours. Depending on the availability, the lead time may increase or decrease.
  • Delivery location: Your booked Air Bnb property with us only
  • Cancellation: As per the cancellation policy
  • Wrapping paper: For the bouquets, wrapping paper colour may vary subject to availability.
  • Image is indicative, the actual product may slightly vary according to availability. However, the primary contents would be same.
  • Flowers may be delivered in fully bloomed, semi-bloomed or bud stage as per availability.
  • Lastly and most importantly, enjoy the beauty of the blooms.