Red Romance Rose Bouquet


Handpicked bunch of blooming rose buds wrapped with love. Synonymous with romance and love, let this vibrant red roses bouquet express your heartfelt feelings for your beloved. You cannot go wrong with this one. Each bouquet contains:

30/50 red roses

SKU: RRBR1 Category:
  • Lead Time: Orders placed between 10:00 am till 2:00 pm can be delivered the same day with a delivery lead time of 6 hours. Depending on the availability, the lead time may increase or decrease.
  • Delivery location: Your booked Air Bnb property with us only
  • Cancellation: As per the cancellation policy
  • Wrapping paper: For the bouquets, wrapping paper colour may vary subject to availability.
  • Image is indicative, the actual product may slightly vary according to availability. However, the primary contents would be same.
  • Flowers may be delivered in fully bloomed, semi-bloomed or bud stage as per availability.
  • Lastly and most importantly, enjoy the beauty of the blooms.